Great Gorillas: Let's Help Save Them

Gorillas are incredible animals that can be both intimidating and gentle. Many scientists have dedicated their lives to researching these creatures and showing how truly fascinating they are. There are actually two different species of gorillas, eastern and western, further divided into eastern lowland and mountain or western lowland and cross river. All types of gorillas live in Africa, though on separate sides of the rainforest. Many people do not know much about gorillas, so read on to learn more about the species and how we can help them thrive.

Cool facts

Gorillas are the world’s largest primates and have a lot of matching DNA with humans, which provides for fascinating studies. They also have unique noseprints, very similar to human fingerprints. These noseprints can be used to identify individual gorillas, which can be useful for researchers. Gorillas are herbivores and play a vital role in helping continue growth in their habitats. Since gorillas eat a lot of fruit, they play a major role in helping spread seeds for these trees and continuing their growth.

How they live

One of the most interesting things about gorillas are how they live. Gorillas live in family units, numbering typically between 5-10, but can be as large as 50 gorillas. These family groups are highly social and complex with a hierarchy leading to a dominant male gorilla. Female gorillas only give birth every 4-6 years, which means it can be difficult for gorillas to sustain their population when they’re threatened. Within these units, gorillas have a fascinating system of communication, using around 25 different sounds. Gorillas are also one of the few animals capable of using tools to aid in daily tasks. One of the most incredible aspects of gorillas is that they’ve shown they can experience complex emotions, such as compassion or grief.

Current threats

Unfortunately, there are many threats facing gorillas. One of their biggest threats is habitat loss. As humans encroach on their territory, gorillas have fewer options for places to live and their food sources are decreasing. Climate change can also alter gorillas’ habitat or harm local fields, which leads to more deforestation. Some people also hunt the gorillas for bushmeat, even though it’s illegal to do so.

In order to save these creatures, it’s up to us to raise awareness by sharing information about them and how to help them with others. You can also donate to organizations that help protect endangered animals, such as gorillas.